News list for " defiac"

A user may spend nearly $90,000 gas fee for 0.87 ETH transfer due to misoperation

According to Etherscan data quoted by anonymous user DeFiac on X yesterday, a user may have mistakenly spent 34.26 ETH (worth $89,200 at current prices) to transfer 0.87 ETH (worth only $2,262). As of press time, gas fees on the Ethereum network are hovering at annual lows between 2 and 4 gigwei, which means that ETH transfers only cost a maximum of $5, meaning that the user paid more than 1,783,900% more.

2024-08-12 11:48:12

据匿名用户 DeFiac 昨日于在 X 上引用的 Etherscan 数据,某用户或因误操作花费 34.26 枚 ETH(按当前价格计算价值 89,200 美元)进行了 0.87 枚 ETH(仅价值 2,262 美元)转账。 截至发稿,以太坊网络 Gas 费用徘徊在 2 到 4 gwei 之间的年度低点,这意味着 ETH 转账最多只需要花费 5 美元,这意味着该用户多支付超过 1,783,900%。

2024-08-12 11:48:12